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Joseph Delaney

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Joseph Delaney is a full time writer living in Lancashire, in the heart of Boggart territory. He is the author of Wardstone Chronicles, Starblade Chronicles, Arena 13 and Aberrations. introducing a new character, a young monk called Brother. He first got the idea for the Spooks series when he moved to the village where he lives now and discovered there was a local boggart - ‘a man like me needs boggarts around’. He made a note in his notebook ‘a story about a man who hunts boggarts’ and years later when he had to come up with an idea at short notice developed this into ‘The Spook’s Apprentice’, the first book in the series. He continues to draw upon the folklore of Lancashire and has acquired much local knowledge over the years which he tweaks and modifies to create his fictional world. Another source of inspiration has been Lancashire’s varied and atmospheric landscape. Many of the locations in the County are based on actual places in Lancashire.